Gmail Account Creator Github

  1. Gmail Account Creator Github App
  2. Gmail Account Creator Github Plugin
  3. Gmail Hack Github
  4. Bulk Gmail Account Creator
  5. Gmail Account Creator Github
  6. Gmail Account Creator Github Password
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
importurllib, urllib2, cookielib, re
importrandom, string, json
#request değişkenlerinin ilklendirilmesi
#giriş için gerekli ek değişkenler
screen_name=getScreenName(opener, email)
#hiddenToken'ı almak için sayfaya request yollamalı'').read()'<input type='hidden' value='(.*?)' name='authenticity_token'>', resp).group(1)
#hiddenToken'ı aldıktan sonra asıl girişi yapabiliriz
login_data=urllib.urlencode({'authenticity_token': hiddenToken,
'signup_ui_metrics': signup_ui_metrics,
'user[name]': fullname,
'user[email]': email,
'user[user_password]': password,
'user[screen_name]': screen_name,
'user[use_cookie_personalization]': cookie_checkbox,
'asked_cookie_personalization_setting': cookie_setting,
'ad_ref': ad_ref})'', login_data)
print'username: '+screen_name
print'password: '+password
print'email : '+email
opener.addheaders= [('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')]
foriinrange(0, 7):
address=first+''''+address.replace('@', '%40')).read()
ifd['valid'] True:
returnrandom.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) +random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) +random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) +' '+random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) +random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)
defgetScreenName(opener, email):
opener.addheaders= [('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')]''+email.replace('@', '%40') +'&full_name=&suggest=1&suggest_on_username=false&username=').read()
returnrandom.randint(123457, 999998)
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GitHub identity support lets you use your existing GitHub account as a credential for a new or existing Microsoft account, linking your GitHub account with your Microsoft account. During the initial phase, not all customers who want to create a Microsoft account using their email address will be offered the option.

  1. Price 25.00$ Create phone verified account automatically. Auto phone verification feature. Auto proxy ip to create unlimited accounts. Saving the registered successful accounts, and the saved format of it is: Email account, Password, An alternate mail, Registered phone number, FirstName, LastName.
  2. For this register to GitHub using your gmail account. Go to student benefit portal and apply for it. It ask for your academic proof (for this you can submit your 11th or 12th grade admit card, identity card or mark sheet/transcript). Note, The name of such documents should match with the name of GitHub account that you created and the gmail.
  3. Signing in using your GitHub account without a pre-existing GitLab account is not allowed. If you’re getting the message Signing in using your GitHub account without a pre-existing GitLab account is not allowed. Create a GitLab account first, and then connect it to your GitHub account when signing in, in GitLab: Go to your Profile Account.

Linking a Github account

GitHub identity support lets you use your existing GitHub account as a credential for a new or existing Microsoft account, linking your GitHub account with your Microsoft account.

When you sign in with GitHub, Microsoft checks whether any email addresses associated with your GitHub account match an existing personal or enterprise Microsoft account. If the address matches your enterprise account, you'll be prompted to sign in to that account instead. If the address matches a personal account, we’ll add your GitHub account as a sign-in method to that personal account.

After your GitHub and Microsoft account credentials are linked, you can use that single sign-in anywhere a personal Microsoft account can be used, like on Azure sites, Office apps, and Xbox. These accounts can also be used for Azure Active Directory guest logins as a Microsoft account, assuming the email address matches the one on the invite.

Troubleshooting tips for linking a Github account

Here are some problems that could appear after you link your GitHub and Microsoft accounts.

Common sign-in issues

You forgot your GitHub account password.

You can recover your GitHub account by going to Reset your password. Or, you can recover your GitHub-linked Microsoft account by entering your GitHub account’s email address at Recover your account.

You deleted your GitHub account. How do you access your Microsoft account now?

If you don’t have any other credentials on your Microsoft account (like a password, Authenticator app, or security key), you can recover your Microsoft account by using the email address attached to it. To get started, go to Recover your account. You’ll have to add a password to your account so we'll know how to log you in later.

There's no 'Sign in with GitHub' button on the sign-in page. How do you sign in?

Gmail Account Creator Github App

Type the GitHub account email address you chose when you created your GitHub-linked Microsoft account. We’ll look you up and send you to GitHub for sign-in. Or, if there’s a Sign-in options link on the sign in page, use the Sign in with GitHub button that's shown after you click that link.

You can't sign in with your GitHub account in a particular product or app.

Not all Microsoft products can access from their sign-in page—for example, Xbox consoles. Instead, when you type the email address from your linked GitHub account, we’ll send a code to that address so we can verify it’s really you. You’re still signing in to the same account, just by a different sign-in method.

You added a password to your GitHub-linked Microsoft account. Will this cause a problem?

Not at all. This doesn’t change your GitHub password; you’ll just have another way to sign in to your Microsoft account. Whenever you sign in using your email address, we’ll offer you the choice of signing in with your Microsoft account password or going to GitHub to sign in. We strongly recommend that, if you need to add a password, you make sure it’s different from the password for your GitHub account.

Note: Linking a GitHub identity to a Microsoft account doesn't give Microsoft any code access. When apps such as Azure DevOps and Visual Studio require access to your code repositories, you'll be prompted to grant specific consent for this access.

Gmail Account Creator Github Plugin

Linking a Google account


When you sign up for a new personal Microsoft service with a email address, Microsoft offers you the ability to use your Google account credentials to create your Microsoft account. You will get all the account and security features of Microsoft, with the ease of using a username and password you already use.

During the initial phase, not all customers who want to create a Microsoft account using their email address will be offered the option. You can still use your email and we’ll simply ask you to create a new password.

What if I already have an existing Microsoft account?

When you type in your account username (email, phone number, or Skype alias), we’ll find that account and show your credential options (from the Authenticator app to your Microsoft account password). At this time, you cannot add Google as a credential to your existing account.

Troubleshooting tips for linking a Google account

You forgot your Google account password.

You can recover your Google account by going to Reset your password. Or, you can recover your Google-linked Microsoft account by entering your Google account’s email address at Recover your account.

Gmail Account Creator Github

I can’t sign into Google / I see an error page with a 500

Everyone has bad days, and sometimes web services stop working correctly. If Google or Gmail is unavailable, it means you might see an error page on when you try to sign in. If this happens, you can use the account recovery option above to add a password to your Microsoft account so that you aren’t asked to sign in at Google automatically. Outages rarely last very long, so you can also try again in 15-30 minutes to see if the issue has been fixed.

You deleted your Google account. How do you access your Microsoft account now?

If you don’t have any other credentials on your Microsoft account (like a password, Authenticator app, or security key), you can recover your Microsoft account by using the email address attached to it. To get started, go to Recover your account. You’ll have to add a password to your account so we'll know how to log you in later.

There's no 'Sign in with Google' button on the sign-in page. How do you sign in?

Type the Google account email address you chose when you created your Microsoft account. We’ll look you up and send you to Google for sign-in. Or, if there’s a Sign-in options link on the sign in page, use the Sign in with Google button that's shown after you click that link.

You can't sign in with your Google account in a particular product or app.

Not all Microsoft products can access from their sign-in page—for example, Windows PCs during set up or Xbox 360 consoles. Instead, when you type the email address from your linked Google account, we’ll send a code to that address so we can verify it’s really you. You’re still signing in to the same account, just by a different sign-in method.

You added a password to your Google-linked Microsoft account. Will this cause a problem?

Not at all. This doesn’t change your Google password; you’ll just have another way to sign in to your Microsoft account. Whenever you sign in using your email address, we’ll offer you the choice of signing in with your Microsoft account password or going to Google to sign in. We strongly recommend that, if you need to add a password, you make sure it’s different from the password for your Google account.

Additional scenarios

You want to add the Authenticator app to the account you created using Google

No problem—just download the app and sign in using your email address. When you sign in with your email address, you'll be prompted to choose either the Authenticator app or Google as your credential.

You enabled two-step verification on both your Google and Microsoft accounts.

Gmail Hack Github

Because of security restrictions, Microsoft counts signing in with Google as a single-factor verification, even if you have two-step verification enabled there. Therefore, you’ll have to authenticate again for your Microsoft account.

Bulk Gmail Account Creator

You can't remember if your account is linked to Google.

Whenever you sign using your account alias (email address, phone number, Skype name), we’ll show you all the sign-in methods for your account. If you don’t see Google there, you haven’t set it up yet.

Gmail Account Creator Github

You want to unlink your Google account from your Microsoft account.

Gmail Account Creator Github Password

Go to the Security tab of and click More security options> Manage how you sign in to Microsoft to unlink your Google account. Unlinking your Google account removes it as a sign-in method.