Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Doesn't Work

The developers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance have currently disabled the Console Command that allows you to spawn items and gold now that the game has had its full release. It is possible, however, to add a mod to game that will add many new commands, including a working item spawn command. Raspberry was a woodcutter at the camp between Ledetchko and Inn in the Glade, who may be convinced to become a woodcutter at Pribyslavitz during From the Ashes. Known for his bright red face, which was a result of his drinking, Henry comes looking for Raspberry during On the Scent, hoping the drunkard could give him some information on Reeky. Raspberry is able to give Henry some vague.

Kingdom Come Deliverance is a great game. However, it’s also known for its difficulty and punishing mechanics.

  1. Adds console commands to spawn/teleport/kill NPCs, unlimited F5 quicksave, auto run console commands on game start, manipulate money, buffs, items, perks, sk.
  2. This doesn't affect faction reputation. Kingdom Come: Deliverance Cheatsetwantedlevel Code In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, the code for cheatsetwantedlevel is.
  3. The following is a list of all known Kingdom Come: Deliverance console commands. With each command, we’ll go through how it works and what the point of it is. They’ll help you tweak and modify the general settings. In order to bring up the console and start typing in a command, all you have to do is press the tilde (`) key.

That being said, why not use a few Kingdom Come Deliverance commands/cheats to make things a bit easier and perhaps a bit more fun as well?

Just do remember to always keep backups in case that something goes wrong. Using various commands at once is an easy way to break a game.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at our options!

How to Enable and Access the Console

Some games require you to enable the console before you can use it. But, it actually comes enabled by default on Kingdom Come Deliverance.

So, all you have to do is use the tilde “~” button to bring up the console, type in the command of your choice, and that’s about it.

If that doesn’t work, try using “`” instead. The button may differ from keyboard to keyboard depending on layout and language. But, generally, it’s placed under “ESC” and right next to “1”.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands and Cheats

Compared to other open-world RPGs like TES Skyrim, the number of available commands and cheats for Kingdom Come Deliverance definitely feel a bit underwhelming. But, still, that’s all we found.

Also, the developers have disabled certain commands after certain versions of the game. So, some of them may not work at all for you.

wh_pl_showfirecursor 1: Adds a crosshair when aiming with a bow

wh_cheat_money [Amount]: Gives you the specified amount of money (Probably won’t work)

wh_cheat_addItem [Item ID]: Gives you the specified item (Probably won’t work)

e_TimeOfDay: Displays the current time

p_gravity_z [Value]: Changes gravity intensity (Default value is -13)

cl_showHUD 1/0: Enables or disables HUD

wh_ui_ShowCompass 1/0: Enables or disables the compass at the top for extra immersion

r_VSync 1/0: Enables or disables VSync

g_godmode 1: Enables god mode and makes you invincible (Players have reported that it no longer works after the game got out of Beta)

Graphics and Camera Commands

Anything that has to do with in-game rendering and various adjustments. You may be able to use some of these commands for extra performance – especially on older/low-end machines.

cl_fov [Value]: Allows you to freely pick whatever FOV you want (Even below 60 and higher than 75)

e_ViewDistRatio [Value]: Gives you the option of adjusting the distance at which objects start rendering. (The default value is 500)

e_ViewDistRatioVegetation [Value]: Adjusts the render distance for trees and any kind of vegetation (Default value is 500)

e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist [Value]: Sets the render distance where the grass is being animated (Default is 20_

ca_UseAssetDefinedLod = 0: Lowers Level of Detail for characters (Characters will have to be reloaded for the changes to take effect)

e_CharRenderLodMin = 0: Minimum Level of Detail for character objects

e_Clouds = 1/0: Enables or disables cloud rendering

e_DynamicDistanceShadows = 1/0: Enables or disables dynamic distance shadows

e_WaterOcean = 1/2: Enables drawing of the ocean. 1 is for the usual rendering path while 2 uses fast rendering with merged fog

e_WaterVolumes = 1/2: Same thing with above – except this time it’s for water in general

e_Wind = 1/0: Enables or disables global wind calculations

q_Renderer = 2: Defines the overall quality of the Renderer. 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)

r_snow [Value]: Sets snow rendering. 0: Disabled/1: Enabled/ 2: Enabled with snow occlusion

e_LodRatio = [Value]: Adjusts the Level of Detail (Default value is 100)

Wrapping Up

That’s all we have for now. And we understand that it’s not a lot. But, do understand that at least 99% of the available commands for Kingdom Come Deliverance are not useful in any way for players.

At the same time, they were never meant to be useful for us. These are commands that the developers use in order to test various features quickly and easily.

In any case, again, do keep a separate backup of the game before starting to play around with commands – just to be safe.

If we forgot to mention an important command, then you can let us know about it in the comments.

Players who are on the PC version of Kingdom Come Deliverance can use console debug commands that offer certain advantages and manipulate certain data in the game. These commands, which were originally active on the beta and alpha versions of Kingdom Come Deliverance, are still active on the final version of the game and are used to modify certain values according to the player’s preferences.

Some of the commands to be activated act as cheat codes that can be used, among other things, to make you rich or add any item to your inventory.

How to use console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance :

To access Kingdom Come Deliverance’s debug console window, simply press the Tilde ~ key.

Below is a list of console commands known for Kingdom Come Deliverance :

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - How To Use Developer Console On ...

Note that when you see the value « XX » on a command line, you must remove these two « XX » to add your own value.

Example: wh_cheat_money (XX) becomes wh_cheat_money (the amount of your choice)

Controls to manipulate the motion blur effect :

  • Deactivate motion Blur: r_motionblur 0
  • Change the value of the motion Blur: r_MotionBlur[0/1/2/3]

Default value is 1 (camera motion blur activated)

→ 1: motion blur of the camera;

→ 2: motion blur of the camera and object;

→ 3: motion blur mode;


Controls for handling HUD and FOV :

  • cl_showHUD 0/1 as well as g_showhud 0/1 – Disable / enable HUD;
  • cl_fov XX – Sets the field of view in degrees, the default fov is 60;
  • p_gravity_z XX – Defines the severity for you and the NPCs, knowing that 13 is the default value.
  • e_ViewDistRatio XX – Changes the distance at which objects start to appear on the screen. The default value is 500.
  • e_ViewDistRatioVegetation XX – Modifies the distance at which trees start to appear on the screen. The default value is 500.
  • e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X – Modifies the distance at which the grass is animated. The default value is 20.

Manipulate the time of the game :

  • e_TimeOfDay – displays the current time in Kingdom Come Deliverance kingdom.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Command Line

Manipulate game saves :

  • Save (the name of your file) – allows you to save the game;
  • Load (the name of your file) – allows you to load a game;

Get unlimited money and any object:

  • wh_cheat_money XX – put the amount of gold you want instead of the « XX »;
  • wh_cheat_addItem XX – to add any item to your inventory, you need the object ID;