Office 2016 Mac Uninstall Script

Remove Office 2016 for Mac applications

Try uninstalling Office using the Control Panel first. If that doesn't work use the easy fix tool or try uninstalling Office manually. Note: This application will remove all existing Microsoft office applications on your computer. Option 1 - Completely uninstall Office with the easy fix tool. Click this easy fix button to uninstall Office. Uninstall Office 2016 This script lets you uninstall or remove so manually Office 2016. Click Start Control Panel. Click Programs Programs and Features. Right-click the Office application you want to remove, and then click Uninstall. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall.

Office 2016 Mac Uninstall Script
  1. Open Finder and click Applications.
  2. Command +click to select all of the Office 2016 for Mac applications.
  3. Ctrl+click or right-click the applications you selected and click Move to Trash.

Remove files from your user Library folder

To remove files from your user Library folder, you'll need to first set the Finder View options.

  1. In Finder, press +Shift+h.
  2. On the Finder menu, click View > as List, and then click View > Show View Options.
  3. In the View Options dialog box, select Show Library Folder.
  4. Switch back to Column view (+3) and click <YourUserName>Library > Containers and ctrl+click or right-click each of these folders if present, and then click Move to Trash.
  5. Switch back to Column view (+3) and click <YourUserName>Library > Group Containers and ctrl+click or right-click each of these folders if present, and then click Move to Trash.
    • UBF8T346G9.Office
    • UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost

Uninstall Office 2016 On A Mac

Oct 2, 2015 10:08 AM